We can provide you with a wall mounted soap dispenser with an option of liquid, spray or foam to compliment your washrooms. The nappy disposal unit promotes a clean and safe means of hygienically disposing of nappy waste on your commercial premises; these are suitable for children nurseries, schools, child play centres and child friendly environments.
We can provide feminine hygiene bins for all types of commercial premises that employ female staff or have female visitors so your company keeps within your legal rights. Do you know the legal regulations and acts with reference to the disposal of feminine hygiene waste?.
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 specify that all companies are required to provide a suitable means for the disposal of sanitary dressings in ladies washrooms.The Water Industries Act 1991 also states that no items should be flushed that could cause a blockage within a sewer or drain.
We can provide feminine hygiene bins for all types of commercial premises that employ female staff or have female visitors so your company keeps within your legal rights. Do you know the legal regulations and acts with reference to the disposal of feminine hygiene waste?.
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 specify that all companies are required to provide a suitable means for the disposal of sanitary dressings in ladies washrooms.The Water Industries Act 1991 also states that no items should be flushed that could cause a blockage within a sewer or drain.
I thought I would put pen to paper and compliment you on the superb service you have offered and supplied to our company. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and I do not believe the quality of products, price and service can be matched anywhere. I am more than happy to recommend your services, as I am sure other will be as satisfied as I have been.
Reviews (1)
Leanne V. Marshall
Sep 24, 2021