Here at Direct Pest we are your local pest control heroes just waiting for the call to action to come and save you from an invasive pest problem. We are an efficient and forward thinking pest control company that strive to use the latest technology to eliminate your pest problem.
Be it microscopic; like bird mites, flying; like pigeons, underground; like moles, or on your shelves; like mice, Direct Pest guarantees your problem to be fully resolved.Our service is different to your normal pest control service as we work, where applicable, with our sister company Direct Thermography.
This allows us to use the power of thermograms to not only speed up our services but to make our services unique and more exact. The ethos we operate by is to make sure that no matter how big or small any particular job is, the customer must always be happy. To achieve this we do a number of things.
Be it microscopic; like bird mites, flying; like pigeons, underground; like moles, or on your shelves; like mice, Direct Pest guarantees your problem to be fully resolved.Our service is different to your normal pest control service as we work, where applicable, with our sister company Direct Thermography.
This allows us to use the power of thermograms to not only speed up our services but to make our services unique and more exact. The ethos we operate by is to make sure that no matter how big or small any particular job is, the customer must always be happy. To achieve this we do a number of things.
Regardless of the pest or size of infestation, our highly trained professionals handle it all utilising over 17 years of experience in pest control. Pest control from Direct Pest that will get the pests gone. If you don't know the pest in your property, our pest identification service will give you the answers you need!
Our ant nest removal services work wonders against these persistent pests to remove every last one. All of our ant removal jobs are individually priced which is how we end up being the cheapest available solution. We are a part of the FM Solutions Group, one of the UK's most tried and trusted facilities management groups.
Badgers are a particular nuisance to farmers, people with outdoor pets or livestock as they are known to eat poultry, kill lambs and eat partridge & pheasant eggs also. This can be very costly and upsetting to anyone who finds themselves under attack from badgers. UK badgers are known to eat poultry, grain, lambs, pheasant & partridge eggs or anything they can forage in forestland and fields.
Foxes are covered under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and as such we do not perform fox removals. Foxes are a nuisance that will cause damage to property, create a mess when rummaging through rubbish bins and present a threat to any beloved outdoor pets or livestock. There is only the one type that is found in the UK and that is the red fox or it's Latin name 'vulpes vulpes'.